
Showing posts from May, 2023

Osteotomy - What Is It?

Osteotomy is a surgical procedure that involves cutting and repositioning bones to correct misalignment and restore normal anatomical alignment. It is commonly performed in orthopedic surgery to treat conditions such as deformities, malunions, nonunions, and osteoarthritis. This article will explore the various aspects of osteotomy, including its indications, types, surgical techniques, and postoperative considerations. For a high-quality range of orthopedic devices, find experienced orthopedic manufacturers in India.  Indications for Osteotomy Deformities: Osteotomy is frequently used to correct bone deformities resulting from birth defects, traumatic injuries, or genetic conditions. Malunions: When a bone heals in an incorrect position following a fracture, osteotomy can be employed to realign the bone. Nonunions: In cases where a fracture fails to heal properly, osteotomy can stimulate bone regeneration and promote union. Osteoarthritis: Osteotomy can alleviate pain and improve

What Are the Causes of Meniscal Injury? A Quick Guide.

Meniscal injuries are common knee injuries that can significantly affect an individual's mobility and overall quality of life. The menisci are C-shaped pieces of cartilage present between the femur and tibia. Both knee joints contain menisci. They act as shock absorbers and provide stability to the knee during various movements. While meniscal injuries can occur in people of all ages, they are more prevalent among athletes and older adults. Several factors can contribute to the causes of meniscal injury, including trauma, degeneration, and anatomical factors. For a CE-certified range of  orthopedic implants , find experienced Orthopedic Medical Device Companies.  Causes of Meniscal Injury   Trauma One of the primary causes of meniscal injury is trauma or a sudden forceful movement applied to the knee joint. This can happen during sports activities, such as twisting or pivoting motions, sudden stops, or direct blows to the knee. Traumatic meniscal injuries are often seen in contact

What is Osteotomy? What Should You Know?

Orthopedic surgeries have improved a lot in the last few decades and so has the outcome of the procedures. With that, orthopedic implants and instruments have also become better. Well, in this post, we will be focusing on discussing one of the orthopedic procedures called osteotomy. Let us start with a brief introduction to the procedure.  What is Osteotomy? Osteotomy is a surgery in which an orthopedic surgeon cuts bone to fix the alignment and/or shape of the bone. One of the best parts about the procedure is that it can be performed on almost all bones in our body including jaw, spine, elbow, shoulder, hips, knees, feet, legs, and toes. Several joint problems can also be fixed using the technique. Let us see why osteotomy is performed.  Why is Osteotomy Performed? There are several reasons why an orthopedic surgeon may recommend osteotomy. Here are some of the common ones: Knees  Because of arthritic damage or congenital misalignment, the surgeon may cut the shinbone and fix again

Healthy Knee Joints - How to Maintain

Knee joint problems are common among older adults, leading to pain, discomfort, and limited mobility. However, there are ways to prevent knee joint issues as we age. In this article, we will discuss some practical tips to maintain knee joint health. If any injury or other orthopedic problem occurs at the knee joint, it becomes difficult for the person to do any physical activity involving the joint. In severe cases, surgical intervention may be required to fix the problem and it may involve the use of knee implants. To get one, you must find experienced  orthopedic implants  set manufacturers India.  Tips to Maintaining Healthy Knees Maintain a Healthy Weight Carrying excess weight can put significant pressure on your knees, leading to pain and joint damage. Therefore, maintaining a healthy weight can significantly reduce the risk of knee joint problems. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and lifestyle modifications can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Exercise Regularly

How to Prevent Orthopedic Injuries in Athletes?

Orthopedic injuries are common among athletes and can significantly impact their performance and overall well-being. However, many of these injuries are preventable with proper care and precautionary measures. This article aims to provide athletes with essential tips for preventing orthopedic injuries, enabling them to stay active, healthy, and excel in their chosen sports. For a high-quality range of orthopedic devices, contact experienced  Orthopedic Device Manufacturers . Tips for Preventing Orthopedic Injuries in Athletes Warm-up and Stretching Adequate warm-up exercises and stretching routines are crucial for preparing the body before engaging in any physical activity. A warm-up session should consist of light aerobic exercises, such as jogging or jumping jacks, followed by dynamic stretches that target major muscle groups. Stretching helps improve flexibility, enhances range of motion, and reduces the risk of muscle strains and tears. Strength and Conditioning Building strength a

What Are the Pros and Cons of Taking NSAIDs During Fracture Healing?

Fractures are common as almost everyone experiences them at least once in their lifetime. The cause of the fracture is different in all and so does the treatment. However, the field of orthopedics has become so advanced that there are treatments available even for the most complicated fractures. Some fractures need   orthopedic implants   for treatment whereas some heal with the application of cast. Well, NSAIDs are almost given by the doctor to improve pain associated with the condition. Studies have found that NSAIDs not only help improve pain but there are also certain side effects associated with that. This is what we will be discussing in the post. What Are the Advantages of Taking NSAIDs? NSAIDs not only play a vital role in relieving pain but also aids in recovery during fracture healing. Here are the advantages of NSAIDs that you should know: Improves Pain Pain relief is the key reason why healthcare service providers recommend NSAIDs. These medicines work by blocking the chemi

Shoulder Pain - Why it Occurs?

Shoulder pain is a common ailment that affects people of all ages and lifestyles. It can be caused by various factors, ranging from everyday activities to underlying medical conditions. Understanding the causes of shoulder pain is crucial in order to seek appropriate treatment and alleviate discomfort. In this article, we will explore the diverse array of factors that can contribute to shoulder pain.  If you are looking to get a CE-certified range of orthopedic devices, find experienced orthopedic trauma companies .  Common Reasons for Shoulder Pain Musculoskeletal Injuries One of the primary causes of shoulder pain is musculoskeletal injuries. These injuries can occur due to overexertion, repetitive movements, sudden trauma, or poor posture. Common injuries include: Rotator Cuff Tear: The rotator cuff is a group of tendons and muscles that stabilize the shoulder joint. Tears in these tendons can result from repetitive overhead motions or acute trauma. Shoulder Dislocation: Dislocati