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What Are the Common Causes of Knee Pain?

Knee pain has become a common problem, especially in elderly people. Whereas in adults, knee pain could be the cause of any traumatic injury. Sometimes, the injury is so severe that Orthopaedic Trauma Implants like knee implants need to be applied with surgery. Well, this is the last option as most causes of knee pain can be fixed with non-operative treatments.

In this post, we will discuss some common causes of knee pain noticed in people. This might help you get an idea of why you are experiencing knee pain.

What Could Cause Knee Pain?

The knee joint is a complex joint and one of the most used joints as well in our body. It plays a vital role in various day-to-day activities. The extent of its use makes it highly prone to getting injured. Let us have a look at some of the common knee pain causes:

Sprained Ligaments

Ligaments connect two bones together. It is a tough and thick band of connective tissues that can get stretched either due to overuse or while doing certain activities. According to the reports, the sprained ligament is the commonest cause of knee pain. The RICE method of treatment that includes rest, ice, compression, and elevation can help improve the condition in most cases.

Ligament Tear

Ligament tear is another cause of knee pain, and this time, the pain is severe. This is when the ligament is not only stretched but is torn completely. The anterior cruciate ligament in the knee is often injured. Along with pain, swelling in the knee is also experienced when the ligament gets torn and the affected person finds it difficult to move his/her knee. Reconstructive surgery is often required to treat complete ligament tear.

Meniscus Tear

Meniscus tear is among the commonest knee injuries that are reported across the globe. The meniscus is nothing but tough rubbery cartilage in the knee that provides stability and cushioning to the joint. Meniscus tear could occur if the knee gets twisted suddenly, especially when you are holding weight. Athletes are highly prone to developing this condition. Rest, medication and physical therapy may improve the condition in most cases but, severe conditions require surgery.


Tendonitis is the inflammation of tendons present in our knees. This generally occurs with overuse and causes pain, swelling, and irritation. Tendonitis also limits the range of motion of the knee joint while preventing the individual from using his/her knees to a good effect.

Patellofemoral Syndrome

Also known as a runner’s knee, the patellofemoral syndrome is more commonly seen in athletes. This is the condition that causes pain in the knee cap. The most common cause of the condition is overuse of the knee joint like doing jumping and running activities. The pain associated with a runner’s knee increases while doing activities that involve the knee joint like walking, running, or climbing the stairs.

The above-mentioned are some of the common knee pain causes that are noticed in people. Proper diagnostic tests are required to identify the right cause of knee pain.

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